Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hey everyone!

So this last weekend we got transfer calls, and it turns out I'm leaving my greenie area, and becoming a real missionary! This transfer I'll be going to Hermiston Oregon with an Elder named Elder Gwynn. I'm excited to meet all the new people I get to meet in Hermiston, but I'm very sad to be leaving Ellensburg!

Tonight, we have dinner with a non-member family, and it's a pretty crazy story of how we came to meet them. We were actually out tracting in the middle of nowhere again (Most of my area is the middle of nowhere) and we knocked on a door, which an older man answered. The first thing he said was oh it’s you guys, come on in! Which was totally strange to us still because this kind of thing never happens while tracting. Anyway, it turns out that she was baptized 5 years ago and stopped going when they moved away from Tacoma. We had a lesson with them, and at the end they invited us out to have dinner with them, and we're going to be doing that tonight!

A big highlight of this week was being able to attend a baptism with Bryce, one of our investigators. He is a great guy and is progressing very well, there was a baptism in Selah this past Saturday, and we took him down there so that he could see one. The spirit was so strong there, and it really helped him with his fears about baptism. I sure hope that after I leave he will still progress and find the truth in the gospel.

In total, we have about 15 investigators, but everything is going to change completely. There is only going to be one companionship for the whole valley now, so the 3 of them (they will be a tri-panionship) will be covering 5 wards, so they will be very busy all the time now.

Well it has been a crazy week!
Elder Pickett

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