Monday, June 25, 2012


So I am getting transferred this coming Wednesday! And I'm making a cross state trip to the western side of Vancouver!  It's gonna be awesome to see green everywhere and finally get out of the desert!  I'm super excited for my new companion, Elder Nawahine.  It's pronounced now- uh- he- neigh!  Cool little story, the missionary that returned home to Oceanside in April trained this guy, and he is from La Jolla!  So it’ll be 2 Cali boys trying to survive in the rain!  I've only met him a handful of times, but I'm sure we'll have a ton of fun, and get a bunch of work done!

This week was a really funny week.  We keep running into Seventh Day Adventists!  It's kind of funny how many we've ran into!  This one, Lee Murphy is probably the coolest 79 year old I've ever met.  We were walking down the road and saw him doing yard work while leaning on crutches.  So we offered to help, and he said "I thought you'd never ask!"  So we went down into his basement, which isn't finished yet; only the foundation is remade, and helped him remove some trees that were growing into the side of it.  It was a fun little project and afterward he invited us in for some juice!  We sat down and got to talking, and he was on crutches because he broke his leg 2 months ago falling out of a tree while he was up there trimming it with a chainsaw!  (This guy’s intense.)  We then had a really good lesson, and he said he would read the Book of Mormon and pray to ask if it's true!  I won't be able to see him again, but I hope he will find the truth in the message!

We had a fireside yesterday and it was so good!  We had 3 recent converts speak and share their testimonies, one of which was TJ, who was baptized the Saturday I came into the area.  We then sang our mission song which is super cool, and then President Greer (mission president) and President Andelin (stake president) talked. It was a super good meeting and the investigators there loved it! 

Well that is my week in a nutshell!
Elder Pickett

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