Monday, August 27, 2012

Hey everybody!!!!!!
Cool story, 3 weeks ago at church a brother approached us about teaching his kids, 9 and 11, so they could get baptized!  We talked for a little bit and he told us he'd call that week.  So this whole week we are waiting for the call.... waiting.... and nothing.  So we go to church on Sunday, and I couldn't find him anywhere at all!  So we were kind of sad that he may have just forgotten us, or not wanting us to teach them at all!  Then we get a call Tuesday at about 440 while were waiting for a ride to dinner, and he says, "So what time are you coming over tonight?"  We hadn't set an appointment so I had no idea what he was talking about!  But it turns out our WML  (ward mission leader)  told him Tuesday nights were good, so brother Rugh, the one were teaching, took that as an appointment was set on Tuesday night and we should know about it.  Anyway that was a kind of awkward phone call but we got there at 630 ready to teach!  We had planned on teaching the restoration, but then showing the Restoration DVD to them because it tells Joseph Smiths story really good, but after 5 minutes the DVD stopped, and wouldn't go any further!  We ended up just teaching it on our own but it was a super good lesson, and they're getting baptized sometime mid-September!

 We had interviews last week and it was really great to be able to see the Mission President, and receive some council from him!  And we got to do a really cool role play where our zone leaders pretended to be people to tract into, and we went tracting that was cool

It sounds like everything is going good down there! It sounds like good things are happening!  And that professor’s name is Arenivar, that'll be a really good class, its super fun as well! 

Well I'm running out of time now!
Love you all!
Elder Pickett


Hello everybody!!

So the weather here is literally, nuts.  It doesn't know what to do or how to do it!  These past 2 weeks it has not been under 80 degrees, and it has spiked over 100 which is supposedly not supposed to happen as some people say.  But that’s not the weirdest thing...  Friday was one of those 100 days; luckily it is our planning/ meetings day so we stayed away from the heat, mostly.  Saturday we were going to do some service for one of the recent converts in the ward.  We woke up and it was kinda overcast, which was weird because the forecast was like 105, so we put on long sleeve shirts because it was not that hot, so we started walking to the service place, and the clouds start clearing up so it gets nice and warm.  So we roll up our sleeves and just keep going, when we get to the recent converts house, we change into our service clothes and get to work.  I was pulling weeds and clearing the ground on the side of the house, when the clouds again rolled back over the sun, I didn't think much of it so we just continued to work, eventually as we were about 3/4 done it starts raining, and it’s raining pretty hard!  This was a total surprise because weathermen said it wouldn’t do that until September!  So yeah we stopped working for about 15 minutes to grab some lunch, and when we came back out the sun was shining and it was about 80 degrees.... This place has some crazy weather.

The work here has been going super good!  We have nothing really super exciting to tell, but we just keep moving along, and pushing forward!  So I'll give you an outline of kinda what all my days look like!!  We wake up at 6:30 and do all our morning stuff, shower breakfast all that then we hit the books at 8:00!  I've been reading the New Testament lately and I’m getting through Luke right now.  After an hour we do comp study, and lately we got a hold of General Conference DvDs so we watch them after planning out our lessons for the day.  10:00 rolls around and we head out the door to go do some finding, we need more investigators, and usually get some tracting in,  we take an hour for lunch at noonish, but then head right back out!  We teach most of our lessons in the afternoon, which is weird because in other areas it was all at night!  So yeah that keeps us busy for most of the day, have dinner with families at 5, we get well fed every night!  We have an exchange just about every night as well, so he takes us around from 7-9!  Then we just go home, do a little planning and rest for the night!  So if you take that repeat it 7 times, and throw in some meetings, that’s pretty much my whole life right now! 

Oh cool story, I met the bishop of 7th ward, and his name is Bishop Pickett!!  That was cool, not sure if we're related but yeah he’s a good guy!

Sorry for the short E-mail, love you all!

Elder Pickett

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