Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello everybody!!

This week was just so amazing!!  I don’t know where to start, so I'll do it like a 5th grade essay!!  Into first!!

So this week we had a ton of miracles happen!  One was meeting William Wade, The other was how many investigators we had at church, and the last is Dick and Kathy Bigoni!!

So this past Tuesday we had dinner with the Wades, he is a member of the bishopric, and their 3 less-active grandchildren who live with them now!  So we go into dinner and it's a little bit awkward and quiet until brother wade starts talking and he says this,  "So the weather has been super nice, um, William here wants to take the discussions to be baptized,"  Then takes a bite of spaghetti. "Man this spagetti is good!  Did you do something different with it?"  It was the funniest thing I've ever heard, because the part about baptism was just like the most casual thing I've ever heard anyone say, and he didn't even let us react, just kept on going like he didn't say the GREATEST THING A MISSIONARY WANTS TO HEAR!  (My companions are really helping me come out my shell so yeah; I'm a little more animated than usual.)  So we shared a dinner thought and set up a day to meet with him again.  Thursday rolls around and it's me Elder La Rue, and Elder Ray (Exchanges) teaching Will at the kitchen table (His 2 sisters didn't want to sit in; they are not so app with church and God for now.)  He was starting Alma before we even taught him!  So that was awesome, and now he is just choosing between Oct. 27 or Nov. 3 to get baptized!!  It is really an awesome privilege to get to know him!

This week we made m mission record with, Drum roll please.......    6 Investigators at church!!! I was amazing trying to round them all up into gospel principles class!  Lucky we had 3 missionaries so it wasn't too hard!  It was an amazing sacrament meeting!  Elder Maybnes of the seventy came to the other side of the mission and talked about how amazing it is when missionaries bear their testimonies, so we decided to start the meetings off right with all 3 of us going up first!  It was an awesome experience and I don't think I'll go to a testimony meeting without getting up for the rest of my mission!!

So Dick and Kathy were a referral, Dick is a non-member and Kathy is less-active. Kathy wanted article of faith cards, because she goes to a bible study and the people there bash on Mormons all the time so she decided that she would hand those out so the people know exactly what we believe! We were expecting just lass-active apathy and laziness, but it turns out she is very active, in the gospel, but not in church attendance!  She studies a ton and loves the Gospel!  She just doesn’t come to church!!  He has a lot of questions but is verrrry open to the church and we're going to teach and baptize him!!

Well I hope you all have an amazing week!
Elder Pickett

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